The Link Between Rotation Curve Type and Spiral Arm Structure in Disk Galaxies

Abstract in English

Over the last decade it has become clear that there is a decoupling between the old stellar disk and young stellar disk in spiral galaxies. This has led to a scheme for classifying galaxies on the basis of their near-infrared morphology. The near-infrared provides a more physical framework for classifying galaxies as it is both relatively free from extinction and it traces the old stellar population, i.e. the dominant stellar mass distribution. The `dust penetrated class is dependent upon the spiral pitch angle of arms. We have observed 8 galaxies with UFTI on UKIRT in the K-band in order to investigate the theoretical link between disk dynamics and arm morphology, which is suggested both from numerical models and the dust penetrated class. We find that the pitch angle of spiral arms, i, correlates well with the shear rate of rotation curves, $A/omega$ (where A is the first Oort constant and $omega$ is the rotational velocity), over the same radial range.
