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Multiple Integral Field Spectroscopy

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 Added by Rob Ivison
 Publication date 2002
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Integral-field spectroscopy is the most effective method of exploiting the superb image quality of the ESO-VLT, allowing complex astrophysical processes to be probed on the angular scales currently accessible only for imaging data, but with the addition of information in the spectral dimension. We discuss science drivers and requirements for multiple deployable integral fields for spectroscopy in the near-infrared. We then describe a fully modular instrument concept which can achieve such a capability over a 5-10 field with up to 32 deployable integral fields, each fully cryogenic with 1-2.5 micron coverage at a spectral resolution of ~3000, each with a 4 x 4 field of view sampled at 0.2/pixel to take advantage of the best K-band seeing.

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245 - M.S. Westmoquette 2009
In this article we present the integral field spectroscopy (IFS) wiki site,; what the wiki is, our motivation for creating it, and a short introduction to IFS. The IFS wiki is designed to be a central repository of information, tips, codes, tools, references, etc., regarding the whole subject of IFS, which is accessible and editable by the whole community. Currently the wiki contains a broad base of information covering topics from current and future integral field spectrographs, to observing, to data reduction and analysis techniques. We encourage everyone who wants to know more about IFS to look at this web-site, and any question you may have you can post from there. And if you have had any experience with IFS yourself, we encourage you to contribute your knowledge and help the site develop its full potential. Before re-inventing the wheel, consult the wiki...
Integral Field Spectroscopy (IFS) is a technique that gives simultaneously the spectrum of each spatial sampling element in a given object field. It is a powerful tool which rearranges the data cube (x, y, lambda) represented by two spatial dimensions defining the field and the spectral decomposition in a detector plane. In IFS, the spatial unit reorganizes the field and the spectral unit is being composed of a classical spectrograph.The development of a Collimating Slicer aims at proposing a new type of integral field spectrograph which should be more compact. The main idea is to combine the image slicer with the collimator of the spectrograph, thus mixing the spatial and spectral units. The traditional combination of slicer, pupil and slit elements and the spectrograph collimator is replaced by a new one composed of a slicer and collimator only. In this paper, the state of the art of integral field spectroscopy using image slicers is described. The new system based onto the development of a Collimating Slicer for optical integral field spectroscopy is depicted. First system analysis results and future improvements are discussed. It finally turns out that this new system looks very promising for low resolution spectroscopy.
We have obtained Integral Field Spectroscopy for 23 spiral bulges using INTEGRAL on the William Herschel Telescope and SPIRAL on the Anglo-Australian Telescope. This is the first 2D survey directed solely at the bulges of spiral galaxies. Eleven galaxies of the sample do not have previous measurements of the stellar velocity dispersion (sigma*). These data are designed to complement our Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph program for estimating black hole masses in the range 10^6-10^8M_sun using gas kinematics from nucleated disks. These observations will serve to derive the stellar dynamical bulge properties using the traditional Mgb and CaII triplets. We use both Cross Correlation and Maximum Penalized Likelihood to determine projected sigma* in these systems and present radial velocity fields, major axis rotation curves, curves of growth and sigma* fields. Using the Cross Correlation to extract the low order 2D stellar dynamics we generally see coherent radial rotation and irregular velocity dispersion fields suggesting that sigma* is a non-trivial parameter to estimate.
56 - K. Jahnke 2003
We describe a project to study the state of the ISM in ~20 low redshift (z<0.3) QSO host galaxies observed with the PMAS integral field spectrograph. We describe method developement to access the stellar and gas component of the spectrum without the strong nuclear emission to access the host galaxy properties also in the central region. It shows that integral field spectroscopy promises to be very efficient to study the gas distribution and its velocity field, and also spatially resolved stellar population in the host galaxies also of luminous AGN.
We present results on integral-field optical spectroscopy of five luminous Blue Compact Dwarf galaxies. The data were obtained using the fiber system INTEGRAL attached at the William Herschel telescope. The galaxies Mrk 370, Mrk 35, Mrk 297, Mrk 314 and III Zw 102 were observed. The central 33x29 regions of the galaxies were mapped with a spatial resolution of 2/spaxel, except for Mrk 314, in which we observed the central 16x12 region with a resolution of 0.9/spaxel$. We use high-resolution optical images to isolate the star-forming knots in the objects; line ratios, electron densities and oxygen abundances in each of these regions are computed. We build continuum and emission-line intensity maps as well as maps of the most relevant line ratios: [OIII]5007Hb, [NII]6584Ha, and HaHb, which allow us to obtain spatial information on the ionization structure and mechanisms. We also derive the gas velocity field from the Ha and [OIII]5007 emission lines. We find that all the five galaxies are in the high end of the metallicity range of Blue Compact Dwarf galaxies, with oxygen abundances varying from Zsun~0.3 to Zsun~1.5. The objects show HII-like ionization in the whole field of view, except the outer regions of IIIZw102 whose large [NII]6584/Ha values suggest the presence of shocks. The five galaxies display inhomogeneous extinction patterns, and three of them have high Ha/Hb ratios, indicative of a large dust content; all galaxies display complex, irregular velocity fields in their inner regions.
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