Dark Matter in Dwarf Spheroidals I: Models

Abstract in English

This paper introduces a new two-parameter family of dwarf spheroidal (dSph) galaxy models. The density distribution has a Plummer profile and falls like the inverse fourth power of distance in projection, in agreement with the star-count data. The first free parameter controls the velocity anisotropy, the second controls the dark matter content. The dark matter distribution can be varied from one extreme of mass-follows-light through a near-isothermal halo with flat rotation curve to the other extreme of an extended dark halo with harmonic core. This family of models is explored analytically in some detail -- the distribution functions, the intrinsic moments and the projected moments are all calculated. For the nearby Galactic dSphs, samples of hundreds of discrete radial velocities are becoming available. A technique is developed to extract the anisotropy and dark matter content from such data sets by maximising the likelihood function of the sample of radial velocities. This is constructed from the distribution function and corrected for observational errors and the effects of binaries. Tests on simulated data sets show that samples of 1000 discrete radial velocities are ample to break the degeneracy between mass and anisotropy in the nearby dSphs. Interesting constraints can already be placed on the distribution of the dark matter with samples of 160 radial velocities (the size of the present-day data set for Draco).
