Fabry-Perot Kinematics of HH 202, 203-204 in the Orion Nebula: Are they part of a Big Bipolar Outflow?

Abstract in English

We present a kinematic study of the Herbig-Haro objects HH 202, 203 and 204 using Halpha and [NII] Fabry-Perot velocity maps. For HH 202 we find new features that could belong to this HH object or that perhaps are associated with an outflow different from HH 202. Because of its high velocity (up to 100 km/seg) this outflow probably can be a HH flow not catalogued previously. Large internal motions are found in the fainter regions of HH 203-204, as well as evidence of transverse density gradients. We show that the apex of HH 204 is the zone of maximum velocity in agreement with bow shock models. From our studies, we find kinematic evidence that suggests that HH 203-204 and HH 202 are part of a single and large (approx 0.55 pc) HH flow.
