Dynamics of the Globular Cluster System Associated with M87 (NGC 4486). I. New CFHT MOS Spectroscopy and the Composite Database

Abstract in English

We present a comprehensive database of kinematic, photometric and positional information for 352 objects in the field of M87 (NGC 4486), the central giant elliptical galaxy in the Virgo cluster; the majority of the objects are globular clusters associated with that galaxy. New kinematic information comes from multi-slit observations with the Multi-Object Spectrograph (MOS) of the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope, an investigation which has added 96 new velocities to and confirmed many of the earlier values in a pre-existing dataset of 256 velocities published elsewhere. The photometry, consisting of magnitudes and colors in the Washington T1, C-T1 system, is based on CCD observations made at CTIO and KPNO. The composite database represents the largest compilation of pure Population II dynamical tracers yet identified in any external galaxy; moreover, it extends to larger spatial scales than have earlier investigations. The inclusion of photometric information allows independent study of the distinct red and blue sub-populations of the bimodal GCS of M87. In a companion paper (Cote et al. 2001), we use this dataset to analyse the present dynamical state of the M87 globular cluster system, and consider the question of its interaction and formation history.
