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Dynamics of the Globular Cluster System Associated with M87 (NGC 4486). I. New CFHT MOS Spectroscopy and the Composite Database

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 Added by Patrick Cote
 Publication date 2001
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We present a comprehensive database of kinematic, photometric and positional information for 352 objects in the field of M87 (NGC 4486), the central giant elliptical galaxy in the Virgo cluster; the majority of the objects are globular clusters associated with that galaxy. New kinematic information comes from multi-slit observations with the Multi-Object Spectrograph (MOS) of the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope, an investigation which has added 96 new velocities to and confirmed many of the earlier values in a pre-existing dataset of 256 velocities published elsewhere. The photometry, consisting of magnitudes and colors in the Washington T1, C-T1 system, is based on CCD observations made at CTIO and KPNO. The composite database represents the largest compilation of pure Population II dynamical tracers yet identified in any external galaxy; moreover, it extends to larger spatial scales than have earlier investigations. The inclusion of photometric information allows independent study of the distinct red and blue sub-populations of the bimodal GCS of M87. In a companion paper (Cote et al. 2001), we use this dataset to analyse the present dynamical state of the M87 globular cluster system, and consider the question of its interaction and formation history.

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149 - Myung Gyoon Lee 2007
We present the measurement of radial velocities for globular clusters in M60, giant elliptical galaxy in the Virgo cluster. Target globular cluster candidates were selected using the Washington photometry based on the deep $16arcmin times 16arcmin$ images taken at the KPNO 4m and using the $VI$ photometry derived from the HST/WFPC2 archive images. The spectra of the target objects were obtained using the Multi-Object Spectrograph (MOS) at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). We have measured the radial velocity for 111 objects in the field of M60: 93 globular clusters (72 blue globular clusters with $1.0le(C-T_1)<1.7$ and 21 red globular clusters with $1.7le(C-T_1)<2.4$), 11 foreground stars, 6 small galaxies, and the nucleus of M60. The measured velocities of the 93 globular clusters range from $sim 500$ km s$^{-1}$ to $sim 1600$ km s$^{-1}$, with a mean value of $1070_{-25}^{+27}$ km s$^{-1}$, which is in good agreement with the velocity of the nucleus of M60 ($v_{rm gal}=1056$ km s$^{-1}$). Combining our results with data in the literature, we present a master catalog of radial velocities for 121 globular clusters in M60. The velocity dispersion of the globular clusters in the master catalog is found to be $234_{-14}^{+13}$ km s$^{-1}$ for the entire sample, $223_{-16}^{+13}$ km s$^{-1}$ for 83 blue globular clusters, and $258_{-31}^{+21}$ km s$^{-1}$ for 38 red globular clusters.
147 - Patrick Cote 2001
We present a dynamical analysis of the globular cluster system associated with M87 (= NGC 4486), the cD galaxy near the dynamical center of the Virgo cluster. The analysis utilizes a new spectroscopic and photometric database which is described in a companion paper (Hanes et al. 2001). Using a sample of 278 globular clusters with measured radial velocities and metallicities, and new surface density profiles based on wide-field Washington photometry, we study the dynamics of the M87 globular cluster system both globally --- for the entire cluster sample --- and separately --- for the metal-rich and metal-poor globular cluster samples. This constitutes the largest sample of radial velocities for pure Population II tracers yet assembled for any galaxy. We discuss the implications of our findings for models for the formation of giant elliptical galaxies, globular cluster systems, and the Virgo cluster. (ABRIDGED)
We present a spectroscopic study of the globular clusters (GCs) in the giant elliptical galaxy NGC 4636 in the Virgo cluster. We selected target GC candidates using the Washington photometry derived from the deep CCD images taken at the KPNO 4m. Then we obtained the spectra of 164 target objects in the field of NGC 4636 using the Multi-Object Spectroscopy (MOS) mode of Faint Object Camera and Spectrograph (FOCAS) on the SUBARU 8.2m Telescope. We have measured the velocities for 122 objects: 105 GCs in NGC 4636, the nucleus of NGC 4636, 11 foreground stars, 2 background galaxies, and 3 probable intracluster GCs in the Virgo cluster. The GCs in NGC 4636 are located in the projected galactocentric radius within 10arcmin (corresponding to 43 kpc). The measured velocities for the GCs range from 300km/s to 1600km/s, with a mean value of 932_{-22}^{+25} km/s, which is in good agreement with the velocity for the nucleus of NGC 4636, 928pm 45 km/s. The velocity dispersion of the GCs in NGC 4636 is derived to be 231_{-17}^{+15} km/s and the velocity dispersion of the blue GCs is slightly larger than that of the red GCs. Combining our results with data in the literature, we produce a master catalog of radial velocities for 238 GCs in NGC 4636. The velocity dispersion of the GCs in the master catalog is found to be 225_{-9}^{+12} km/s for the entire sample, 251_{-12}^{+18} km/s for 108 blue GCs, and 205_{-13}^{+11} km/s for 130 red GCs.
We present Gemini griz photometry for 521 globular cluster (GC) candidates in a 5.5 x 5.5 arcmin field centered 3.8 arcmin to the south and 0.9 arcmin to the west of the center of the giant elliptical galaxy NGC 4486. All these objects have previously published (C-T1) photometry. We also present new (C-T1) photometry for 338 globulars, within 1.7 arcmin in galactocentric radius, which have (g-z) colors in the photometric system adopted by the Virgo Cluster Survey of the Advanced Camera for Surveys of the Hubble Space Telescope. These photometric data are used to define a self-consistent multicolor grid (avoiding polynomial fits) and preliminary calibrated in terms of two chemical abundance scales. The resulting multicolor color-chemical abundance relations are used to test GC chemical abundance distributions. This is accomplished by modelling the ten GC color histograms that can be defined in terms of the Cgriz bands. Our results suggest that the best fit to the GC observed color histograms is consistent with a genuinely bimodal chemical abundance distribution NGC(Z). On the other side, each (blue and red) GC subpopulation follows a distinct color-color relation.
We present the results of a photometric and spectroscopic survey of the globular cluster system of NGC 5128 (Centaurus A), a galaxy whose proximity makes it an important target for early-type galaxy studies. We imaged three fields in UBVRI that extend 50 and 30 kpc along the major and minor axes, respectively. We used both color and size information to develop efficient selection criteria for differentiating between star clusters and foreground stars. In total, we obtained new velocities for 138 globular clusters, nearly tripling the number of known clusters, and bringing the confirmed total in NGC 5128 to 215. We present a full catalog of all known GCs, with their positions, photometry, and velocities. In addition, we present catalogs of other objects observed, such as foreground stars, background galaxies, three Galactic white dwarfs, seven background QSOs, and 52 optical counterparts to known X-ray point sources. We also report an observation of the cluster G169, in which we confirm the existence of a bright emission line object. This object, however, is unlikely to be a planetary nebula, but may be a supernova remnant.
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