IRAS 11590-6452 in BHR 71 - a binary protostellar system?

Abstract in English

New AAT near-infrared and SEST 12CO J=2-1 observations are combined with existing ISO mid-infrared and ATCA cm radio continuum observations to examine the protostellar content of the Bok globule BHR 71. Together with observations of Herbig-Haro objects, these data show: (1) Two protostellar sources, IRS1 and IRS2, with a separation of ~17 arcsec (3400 AU) are located within BHR 71. (2) Each protostar is driving its own molecular outflow. The outflow from IRS1 is much larger in extent, is more massive, and dominates the CO emission. (3) Both protostars are associated with Herbig-Haro objects and shock excited 2.122 micron H2 v=1-0S(1) emission, which coincide spatially with their CO outflows. (4) IRS1 is associated with cm continuum emission, with a flat or rising spectrum which is consistent with free-free emission, a signpost of protostellar origin.
