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We have measured the periods and light curves of 148 RR Lyrae variables from V=13.5 to 19.7 from the first 100 sq. degrees of the QUEST RR Lyrae survey. Approximately 55% of these stars belong to the clump of stars detected earlier by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. According to our measurements, this feature has ~10 times the background density of halo stars, spans at least 37.5 deg by 3.5 deg in right ascension and declination (>=30 by >=3 kpc), lies ~50 kpc from the Sun, and has a depth along the line of sight of ~5 kpc (1 sigma). These properties are consistent with the recent models that suggest it is a tidal stream from the Sgr dSph galaxy. The mean period of the type ab variables, 0.58 d, is also consistent. In addition, we have found two smaller over-densities in the halo, one of which may be related to the globular cluster Pal 5.
A survey of 380 sq. deg. of the sky with the 1m Schmidt telescope at the Observatorio Nacional de Llano del Halo and the QUEST camera has found 498 RR Lyrae variables lying from 4 to 60 kpc from the Sun. We describe the halo substructure revealed by these data and the results of measuring some of the stars radial velocities and metal abundances.
The first catalog of the RR Lyrae stars (RRLS) in the Galactic halo by the QUEST Survey has been searched for significant overdensities that may be debris from disrupted dwarf galaxies or globular clusters. Away from the major overdensities, the distribution of these stars is adequately fit by a smooth halo model, in which the flattening of the halo decreases with increasing galactocentric distance (Preston et al 1991). This model was used to estimate the ``background of RRLS on which the halo overdensities are overlaid. A procedure was developed for recognizing groups of stars that constitute significant overdensities with respect to this background. To test this procedure, a Monte Carlo routine was used to make artificial RRLS surveys that follow the smooth halo model, but with Poisson distributed noise in the numbers of RRLS and, within limits, random variations in the positions and magnitudes of the artificial stars. The artificial surveys created by this routine were examined for significant groups in exactly the same way as the QUEST survey. These calculations provided estimates of the frequencies with which random fluctuations produce significant groups. In the QUEST survey, there are six significant overdensities that contain six or more stars and several smaller ones. The small ones and possibly one or two of the larger ones may be artifacts of statistical fluctuations, and they need to be confirmed by measurements of radial velocity and/or proper motion. The most prominent groups are the northern stream from the Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy and a large group in Virgo. Two other groups lie in the direction of the Monoceros stream and at approximately the right distance for membership. Another group is related to the globular cluster Palomar 5.
We present the analysis of 12227 type-ab RR Lyrae found among the 200 million public lightcurves in the Catalina Surveys Data Release 1 (CSDR1). These stars span the largest volume of the Milky Way ever surveyed with RR Lyrae, covering ~20,000 square degrees of the sky (0 < RA < 360, -22 < Dec < 65 deg) to heliocentric distances of up to 60kpc. Each of the RR Lyrae are observed between 60 and 419 times over a six-year period. Using period finding and Fourier fitting techniques we determine periods and apparent magnitudes for each source. We find that the periods at generally accurate to sigma = 0.002% by comparison with 2842 previously known RR Lyrae and 100 RR Lyrae observed in overlapping survey fields. We photometrically calibrate the light curves using 445 Landolt standard stars and show that the resulting magnitudes are accurate to ~0.05 mags using SDSS data for ~1000 blue horizontal branch stars and 7788 of the RR Lyrae. By combining Catalina photometry with SDSS spectroscopy, we analyze the radial velocity and metallicity distributions for > 1500 of the RR Lyrae. Using the accurate distances derived for the RR Lyrae, we show the paths of the Sagittarius tidal streams crossing the sky at heliocentric distances from 20 to 60 kpc. By selecting samples of Galactic halo RR Lyrae, we compare their velocity, metallicity, and distance with predictions from a recent detailed N-body model of the Sagittarius system. We find that there are some significant differences between the distances and structures predicted and our observations.
The discovery of very distant stars in the halo of the Milky Way provides valuable tracers on the Milky Way mass and its formation. Beyond 100 kpc from the Galactic center, most of the stars are likely to be in faint dwarf galaxies or tidal debris from recently accreted dwarfs, making the outer reaches of the Galaxy important for understanding the Milky Ways accretion history. However, distant stars in the halo are scarce. In that context, RR Lyrae are ideal probes of the distant halo as they are intrinsically bright and thus can be seen at large distances, follow well-known period-luminosity relations that enable precise distance measurements, and are easily identifiable in time-series data. Therefore, a detailed study of RR Lyrae will help us understand the accreted outskirts of the Milky Way. In this contribution, we present the current state of our systematic search for distant RR Lyrae stars in the halo using the DECam imager at the 4m telescope on Cerro Tololo (Chile). The total surveyed area consists of more than 110 DECam fields (~ 350 sq. deg) and includes two recent independent campaigns carried out in 2017 and 2018 with which we have detected > 650 candidate RR Lyrae stars. Here we describe the methodology followed to analyze the two latest campaigns. Our catalog contains a considerable number of candidate RR Lyrae beyond 100 kpc, and reaches out up to ~ 250 kpc. The number of distant RR Lyrae found is consistent with recent studies of the outer halo. These stars provide a set of important probes of the mass of the Milky Way, the nature of the halo, and the accretion history of the Galactic outskirts.
We report the detection of spatially distinct stellar density features near the apocenters of the Sagittarius (Sgr) streams main leading and trailing arm. These features are clearly visible in a high-fidelity stellar halo map that is based on RR Lyrae from Pan-STARRS1: there is a plume of stars 10 kpc beyond the apocenter of the leading arm, and there is a spur extending to 130 kpc, almost 30 kpc beyond the previously detected apocenter of the trailing arm. Such apocenter substructure is qualitatively expected in any Sgr stream model, as stars stripped from the progenitor at different pericenter passages become spatially separated there. The morphology of these new Sgr stream substructures could provide much-needed new clues and constraints for modeling the Sgr system, including the level of dynamical friction that Sgr has experienced. We also report the discovery of a new, presumably unrelated halo substructure at 80 kpc from the Sun and $10^circ$ from the Sgr orbital plane, which we dub the Outer Virgo Overdensity.