N-Body Code with Adaptive Mesh Refinement

Abstract in English

We have developed a simulation code with the techniques which enhance both spatial and time resolution of the PM method for which the spatial resolution is restricted by the spacing of structured mesh. The adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) technique subdivides the cells which satisfy the refinement criterion recursively. The hierarchical meshes are maintained by the special data structure and are modified in accordance with the change of particle distribution. In general, as the resolution of the simulation increases, its time step must be shortened and more computational time is required to complete the simulation. Since the AMR enhances the spatial resolution locally, we reduce the time step locally also, instead of shortening it globally. For this purpose we used a technique of hierarchical time steps (HTS) which changes the time step, from particle to particle, depending on the size of the cell in which particles reside. Some test calculations show that our implementation of AMR and HTS is successful. We have performed cosmological simulation runs based on our code and found that many of halo objects have density profiles which are well fitted to the universal profile proposed by Navarro, Frenk, & White (1996) over the entire range of their radius.
