A SCUBA survey of the NGC 2068/2071 protoclusters

Abstract in English

We report the results of a submillimeter dust continuum survey of the protoclusters NGC 2068 and NGC 2071 in Orion B carried out at 850 microns and 450 microns with SCUBA on JCMT. The mapped region is ~ 32 x 18 in size (~ 4 pc x 2 pc) and consists of filamentary dense cores which break up into small-scale (~ 5000 AU) fragments, including 70 starless condensations and 5 circumstellar envelopes/disks. The starless condensations, seen on the same spatial scales as protostellar envelopes, are likely to be gravitationally bound and pre-stellar in nature. Their mass spectrum, ranging from ~ 0.3 Msun to ~ 5 Msun, is reminiscent of the stellar initial mass function (IMF). Their mass-size relation suggests that they originate from gravitationally-driven fragmentation. We thus argue that pre-collapse cloud fragmentation plays a major role in shaping the IMF.
