The 2dF QSO Redshift Survey - 10K@2K!

Abstract in English

With ~10000 QSO redshifts, the 2dF QSO Redshift Survey (2QZ) is already the biggest individual QSO survey. The aim for the survey is to have ~25000 QSO redshifts, providing an order of magnitude increase in QSO clustering statistics. We first describe the observational parameters of the 2dF QSO survey. We then describe several highlights of the survey so far; we present new estimates of the QSO luminosity function and the QSO correlation function. We also present the first estimate of the QSO power spectrum from the 2QZ catalogue, probing the form of the fluctuation power-spectrum out to the ~1000h-1Mpc scales only previously probed by COBE. We find a power spectrum which is steeper than the prediction of standard CDM and more consistent with the prediction of Lambda-CDM. The best-fit value for the power spectrum shape parameter for a range of cosmologies is Gamma=0.1+-0.1. Finally, we discuss how the complete QSO survey will be able to constrain the value of Omega_Lambda by combining results from the evolution of QSO clustering and from a geometric test of clustering isotropy.
