A New Radio Continuum Survey of the Sky at 1465 MHz between declinations -52 degrees and +68 degrees

Abstract in English

We have mapped the total sky brightness at 1465 MHz in two adjacent 60-degree declination bands with the portable 5.5-m parabolic reflector of the Galactic Emission Mapping (GEM) project, an on-going international collaboration to survey the radio continuum of the sky in decimeter and centimeter wavelengths. The observations were conducted from two locations, one in the USA and the other in Brazil, using a novel instrumental approach to overcome the well-known shortcomings of survey experiments. Our strategy consists of a 1-rpm rotating dish to circularly scan the sky at 30 degrees from zenith. The dish uses a rim-halo to re-direct the spillover sidelobes of its backfire helical feed toward the sky and the entire assembly has been enclosed inside a wire mesh ground shield in order to minimize and level out the contamination from the ground. The diffraction characteristics of this set-up have been succesfully modelled and undesired systematic striping across the observed bands has been carefully removed by a baseline propagation method which exploits the time-forward and time-backward intersections of the circular scans. The map displays nearly 300 hours of our best quality data taken with a HPBW of 5.4 degrees at a sensitivity of 20 mK.
