Evidence of magnetic accretion in an SW Sex star: discovery of variable circular polarization in LS Pegasi

Abstract in English

We report on the discovery of variable circular polarization in the SW Sex star LS Pegasi. The observed modulation has an amplitude of ~0.3 % and a period of 29.6 minutes, which we assume as the spin period of the magnetic white dwarf. We also detected periodic flaring in the blue wing of Hbeta, with a period of 33.5 minutes. The difference between both frequencies is just the orbital frequency, so we relate the 33.5-min modulation to the beat between the orbital and spin period. We propose a new accretion scenario in SW Sex stars, based on the shock of the disk-overflown gas stream against the white dwarfs magnetosphere, which extends to the corotation radius. From this geometry, we estimate a magnetic field strength of B(1) ~ 5-15 MG. Our results indicate that magnetic accretion plays an important role in SW Sex stars and we suggest that these systems are probably Intermediate Polars with the highest mass accretion rates.
