Winds and Shocks in Galaxy Clusters: Shock Acceleration on an Intergalactic Scale

Abstract in English

We review the possible roles of large scale shocks as particle accelerators in clusters of galaxies. Recent observational and theoretical work has suggested that high energy charged particles may constitute a substantial pressure component in clusters. If true that would alter the expected dynamical evolution of clusters and increase the dynamical masses consistent with hydrostatic equilibrium. Moderately strong shocks are probably common in clusters, through the actions of several agents. The most obvious of these agents include winds from galaxies undergoing intense episodes of starbursts, active galaxies and cosmic inflows, such as accretion and cluster mergers. We describe our own work derived from simulations of large scale structure formation, in which we have, for the first time, explicitly included passive components of high energy particles. We find, indeed that shocks associated with these large scale flows can lead to nonthermal particle pressures big enough to influence cluster dynamics. These same simulations allow us also to compute nonthermal emissions from the clusters. Here we present resulting predictions of gamma-ray fluxes.
