The Red Stellar Contents of Three Selected Fields of The Local Group Dwarf Irregular Galaxy IC1613

Abstract in English

We present a moderately-deep JK photometry for three selected areas of the dwarf irregular galaxy IC1613. The color-magnitude diagrams contain a mixture of red supergiants, asymptotic giant branch stars and the brightest red giant stars. The red supergiants are massive (20 - 25 M_odot) and young -with ages between 8 and 25 Myr. The most important result is the evidence of the decreasing density of the intermediate age AGB population in the vicinity of the HII regions in the galaxy. We also find age differences between AGB stars in the main body of the galaxy and those near the HII regions in the North-East. The former span a range in ages between 1 and 10 Gyr, while the latter are younger than 1 Gyr. Using the period-luminosity relation derived by Madore & Freedman (1991) and JK magnitudes of the Cepheid variable V20, we calculated (m-M)_K = 24.37+-0.2. The recently discovered Nova (King et al. 1999) was identified in Field III. Its presence of our images and its brightness questioned its classification as a nova.
