Cosmology from Maxima-1, Boomerang and COBE/DMR CMB Observations

Abstract in English

Recent results from BOOMERANG-98 and MAXIMA-1, taken together with COBE-DMR, provide consistent and high signal-to-noise measurements of the CMB power spectrum at spherical harmonic multipole bands over $2<elllta800$. Analysis of the combined data yields 68% (95%) confidence limits on the total density, $Omega_{rm {tot}}simeq 1.11 pm 0.07 (^{+0.13}_{-0.12})$, the baryon density, $Omega_b h^2simeq 0.032^{+0.005}_{-0.004} (^{+0.009}_{-0.008})$, and the scalar spectral tilt, $n_ssimeq1.01^{+0.09}_{-0.07} (^{+0.17}_{-0.14})$. These data are consistent with inflationary initial conditions for structure formation. Taken together with other cosmological observations, they imply the existence of both non-baryonic dark matter and dark energy in the universe.
