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Multiperiodicity in semiregular variables II. Systematic amplitude variations

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 Added by Laszlo L. Kiss
 Publication date 2000
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We present a detailed lightcurve analysis for a sample of bright semiregular variables based on long-term (70--90 years) visual magnitude estimates carried out by amateur astronomers. Fundamental changes of the physical state (amplitude and/or frequency modulations, mode change and switching) are studied with the conventional Fourier- and wavelet analysis. The light curve of the carbon Mira Y Per showing a gradual amplitude decrease has been re-analysed after collecting and adding current data to earlier ones. The time scales of the sudden change and convection are compared and their similar order of magnitude is interpreted to be a possible hint for strong coupling between pulsation and convection. The periods of the biperiodic low-amplitude light curve and their ratios suggest a pulsation in the first and third overtone modes. An alternative explanation of the observed behaviour could be a period halving due to the presence of weak chaos. Beside two examples of repetitive mode changes (AF Cyg and W Cyg) we report three stars with significant amplitude modulations (RY Leo, RX UMa and RY UMa). A simple geometric model of a rotationally induced amplitude modulation in RY UMa is outlined assuming low-order nonradial oscillation, while the observed behaviour of RX UMa and RY Leo is explained as a beating of two closely separated modes of pulsation. This phenomenon is detected unambiguously in V CVn, too. The period ratios found in these stars (1.03-1.10) suggest either high-order overtone or radial+non-radial oscillation.

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410 - T. Lebzelter , M. Obbrugger 2009
We investigate the question whether there is a real difference in the light change between stars classified as semiregular (SRV) or irregular (Lb) variables by analysing photometric light curves of 12 representatives of each class. Using Fourier analysis we try to find a periodic signal in each light curve and determine the S/N of this signal. For all stars, independent of their variability class we detect a period above the significance threshold. No difference in the measured S/N between the two classes could be found. We propose that the Lb stars can be seen as an extension of the SRVs towards shorter periods and smaller amplitudes. This is in agreement with findings from other quantities which also showed no marked difference between the two classes.
We have carried out a photometric and spectroscopic survey of bright high-amplitude delta Scuti (HADS) stars. The aim was to detect binarity and multiperiodicity (or both) in order to explore the possibility of combining binary star astrophysics with stellar oscillations. Here we present the first results for ten, predominantly southern, HADS variables. We detected the orbital motion of RS Gru with a semi-amplitude of ~6.5 km/s and 11.5 days period. The companion is inferred to be a low-mass dwarf star in a close orbit around RS Gru. We found multiperiodicity in RY Lep both from photometric and radial velocity data and detected orbital motion in the radial velocities with hints of a possible period of 500--700 days. The data also revealed that the amplitude of the secondary frequency is variable on the time-scale of a few years, whereas the dominant mode is stable. Radial velocities of AD CMi revealed cycle-to-cycle variations which might be due to non-radial pulsations. We confirmed the multiperiodic nature of BQ Ind, while we obtained the first radial velocity curves of ZZ Mic and BE Lyn. The radial velocity curve and the O-C diagram of CY Aqr are consistent with the long-period binary hypothesis. We took new time series photometry on XX Cyg, DY Her and DY Peg, with which we updated their O-C diagrams.
101 - A. Derekas , L.L. Kiss , B. Csak 2005
We present our first results for a sample of southern high-amplitude delta Scuti stars (HADS), based on a spectrophotometric survey started in 2003. For CY Aqr and AD CMi, we found very stable light and radial velocity curves; we confirmed the double-mode nature of ZZ Mic, BQ Ind and RY Lep. Finally, we detected gamma-velocity changes in RS Gru and RY Lep
50 - M. Schultheis 1998
Near-infrared photometry (JHKLM) was obtained for 78 semiregular variables (SRVs) in field #3 of the Palomar-Groningen survey (PG3, l=0, b=-10). Together with a sample of Miras in this field a comparison is made with a sample of field SRVs and Miras. The PG3 SRVs form a sequence (period-luminosity & period-colour) with the PG3 Miras, in which the SRVs are the short period extension to the Miras. The field and PG3 Miras follow the same P/(J--K)o relation, while this is not the case for the field and PG3 SRVs. Both the PG3 SRVs and Miras follow the SgrI period-luminosity relation adopted from Glass et al. (1995, MNRAS 273, 383). They are likely pulsating in the fundamental mode and have metallicities spanning the range from intermediate to approximately solar.
According to most literature sources, the amplitude of the pulsational variability observed in gamma Doradus stars does not exceed 0.1 mag in Johnson V. We have analyzed fifteen high-amplitude gamma Doradus stars with photometric peak-to-peak amplitudes well beyond this limit, with the aim of unraveling the mechanisms behind the observed high amplitudes and investigating whether these objects are in any way physically distinct from their low-amplitude counterparts. We have calculated astrophysical parameters and investigated the location of the high-amplitude gamma Doradus stars and a control sample of fifteen low-amplitude objects in the log Teff versus log L diagram. Employing survey data and our own observations, we analyzed the photometric variability of our target stars using discrete Fourier transform. Correlations between the observed primary frequencies, amplitudes and other parameters like effective temperature and luminosity were investigated. The unusually high amplitudes of the high-amplitude gamma Doradus stars can be explained by the superposition of several base frequencies in interaction with their combination and overtone frequencies. Although the maximum amplitude of the primary frequencies does not exceed an amplitude of 0.1 mag, total light variability amplitudes of over 0.3 mag (V) can be attained in this way. Low- and high-amplitude gamma Doradus stars do not appear to be physically distinct in any other respect than their total variability amplitudes but merely represent two ends of the same, uniform group of variables.
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