Is MS1054-03 an exceptional cluster? A new investigation of ROSAT/HRI X-ray data

Abstract in English

We reanalyzed the ROSAT/HRI observation of MS1054-03, optimizing the channel HRI selection and including a new exposure of 68 ksec. From a wavelet analysis of the HRI image we identify the main cluster component and find evidence for substructure in the west, which might either be a group of galaxies falling onto the cluster or a foreground source. Our 1-D and 2-D analysis of the data show that the cluster can be fitted well by a classical betamodel centered only 20arcsec away from the central cD galaxy. The core radius and beta values derived from the spherical model(beta = 0.96_-0.22^+0.48) and the elliptical model (beta = 0.73+/-0.18) are consistent. We derived the gas mass and total mass of the cluster from the betamodel fit and the previously published ASCA temperature (12.3^{+3.1}_{-2.2} keV). The gas mass fraction at the virial radius is fgas = (14[-3,+2.5]+/-3)% for Omega_0=1, where the errors in brackets come from the uncertainty on the temperature and the remaining errors from the HRI imaging data. The gas mass fraction computed for the best fit ASCA temperature is significantly lower than found for nearby hot clusters, fgas=20.1pm 1.6%. This local value can be matched if the actual virial temperature of MS1054-032 were close to the lower ASCA limit (~10keV) with an even lower value of 8 keV giving the best agreement. Such a bias between the virial and measured temperature could be due to the presence of shock waves in the intracluster medium stemming from recent mergers. Another possibility, that reconciles a high temperature with the local gas mass fraction, is the existence of a non zero cosmological constant.
