Infrared observations of gravitational lensing in Abell 2219 with CIRSI

Abstract in English

We present the first detection of a gravitational depletion signal at near-infrared wavelengths, based on deep panoramic images of the cluster Abell 2219 (z=0.22) taken with the Cambridge Infrared Survey Instrument (CIRSI) at the prime focus of the 4.2m William Herschel Telescope. Infrared studies of gravitational depletion offer a number of advantages over similar techniques applied at optical wavelengths, and can provide reliable total masses for intermediate redshift clusters. Using the maximum likelihood technique developed by Schneider, King & Erben (1999), we detect the gravitational depletion at the 3 sigma confidence level. By modeling the mass distribution as a singular isothermal sphere and ignoring uncertainty in the unlensed number counts, we find an Einstein radius of 13.7 +3.9/-4.2 arcsec (66% confidence limit). This corresponds to a projected velocity dispersion of approximately 800 km/s, in agreement with constraints from strongly-lensed features. For a Navarro, Frenk and White mass model, the radial dependence observed indicates a best-fitting halo scale length of 125/h kpc}. We investigate the uncertainties arising from the observed fluctuations in the unlensed number counts, and show that clustering is the dominant source of error. We extend the maximum likelihood method to include the effect of incompleteness, and discuss the prospects of further systematic studies of lensing in the near-infrared band.
