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Two quadrupolar orders in Osmium double-perovskites

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 Added by Derek Churchill
 Publication date 2021
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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In 5$d^2$ Mott insulators with strong spin-orbit coupling, the lowest pseudospin states form a non-Kramers doublet, which carries quadrupolar and octupolar moments. A family of double-perovskites where magnetic ions form a face-centered cubic (FCC) lattice, was suggested to unveil an octupolar order offering a rare example in d-orbital systems. The proposed order requires a ferromagnetic octupolar interaction, since the antiferromagnetic (AFM) Ising model is highly frustrated on the FCC lattice. A microscopic model was recently derived for various lattices: for an edge sharing octahedra geometry, AFM Ising octupolar and bond-dependent quadrupolar interactions were found when only dominant inter- and intra-orbital hopping integrals are taken into account. Here we investigate all possible intra- and inter-orbital exchange processes and report that interference of two intra-orbital exchanges generates a ferromagnetic octupolar interaction. Applying the strong-coupling expansion results together with tight binding parameters obtained by density functional theory, we estimate the exchange interactions for the Osmium double-perovskites, Ba$_2$BOsO$_6$ (B = Mg, Ca). Using classical Monte-Carlo simulations, we show these double-perovskites exhibit type-I AFM quadrupolar order followed by an intriguing partial quadrupole order above the transition temperature. Implications of our theory and a way to generate the octupolar order are discussed.

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Conflicting interpretations of experimental data preclude the understanding of the quantum magnetic state of spin-orbit coupled d$^2$ double perovskites. Whether the ground state is a Janh-Teller-distorted order of quadrupoles or the hitherto elusive octupolar order remains debated. We resolve this uncertainty through direct calculations of all-rank inter-site exchange interactions and inelastic neutron scattering (INS) cross-section for the d$^2$ double perovskite series Ba$_2M$OsO$_6$ ($M$= Ca, Mg, Zn). Using advanced many-body first principles methods we show that the ground state is formed by ferro-ordered octupoles coupled within the ground-stated $E_g$ doublet. Computed ordering temperature of the single second-order phase-transition and gapped excitation spectra are fully consistent with observations. Minuscule distortions of the parent cubic structure are shown to qualitatively modify the structure of magnetic excitations.
Polycrystalline samples of double perovskites Ba2BOsO6 (B = Sc, Y, In) were synthesized by solid state reactions. They adopt the cubic double perovskite structures (space group, Fm-3m) with ordered B and Os arrangements. Ba2BOsO6 (B = Sc, Y, In) show antiferromagnetic transitions at 93 K, 69 K, and 28 K, respectively. The Weiss-temperatures are -590 K for Ba2ScOsO6, -571 K for Ba2YOsO6, and -155 K for Ba2InOsO6. Sc3+ and Y3+ have the open-shell d0 electronic configuration, while In3+ has the closed-shell d10. This indicates that a d0 B-type cation induces stronger overall magnetic exchange interactions in comparison to a d10. Comparison of Ba2BOsO6 (B = Sc, Y, In) to their Sr and Ca analogues shows that the structural distortions weaken the overall magnetic exchange interactions.
We construct an effective Hamiltonian for the motion of electrons among the transition metal ions of ordered double perovskites like Sr2FeMoO6. in which strong intra-atomic Coulomb repulsion U is present in only one of the inequivalent transition metal sites. Using a slave-boson formalism, we construct a phase diagram which describes a charge transfer transition between insulating and metallic behavior as the parameters of the model are changed. The parameters for Sr2FeMoO6 are estimated from first-principles calculations and a transition to the insulating state with negative pressure is obtained.
We present a comprehensive theory of the temperature- and disorder-dependence of half-metallic ferrimagnetism in the double perovskite Sr$_2$FeMoO$_6$ (SFMO) with $T_c$ above room temperature. We show that the magnetization $M(T)$ and conduction electron polarization $P(T)$ are both proportional to the magnetization $M_S(T)$ of localized Fe spins. We derive and validate an effective spin Hamiltonian, amenable to large-scale three-dimensional simulations. We show how $M(T)$ and $T_c$ are affected by disorder, ubiquitous in these materials. We suggest a way to enhance $T_c$ in SFMO without sacrificing polarization.
We present the self-interaction corrected local spin density (SIC-LSD) electronic structure and total energy calculations, leading also to valencies of the ground state configurations, for the half-metallic double perovskites such as Sr$_{2}$FeMoO$_{6}$, Ba$_{2}$FeMoO$_{6}$, Ca$_{2}$FeMoO$_{6}$, and Ca$_{2}$FeReO$_{6}$. We conclude that the Fe and Mo (or Re) spin magnetic moments are anti-parallel aligned, and the magnitude of the hybridization induced moment on Mo does not vary much between the different compounds. The hybridization spin magnetic moment on Re is of the order of -1.1 $mu_{B}$, while that on Mo is about -0.4 $mu_{B}$, independently of the alkaline earth element. Also the electronic structure of all the compounds studied is very similar, with a well defined gap in the majority spin component and metallic density of states for the minority spin component, with highly hybridized Fe, Mo (or Re), and oxygen bands.
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