Exact expressions for $n$-point maximal $U(1)_Y$-violating integrated correlators in $SU(N)$ $mathcal{N}=4$ SYM

Abstract in English

The exact expressions for integrated maximal $U(1)_Y$ violating (MUV) $n$-point correlators in $SU(N)$ ${mathcal N}=4$ supersymmetric Yang--Mills theory are determined. The analysis generalises previous results on the integrated correlator of four superconformal primaries and is based on supersymmetric localisation. The integrated correlators are functions of $N$ and $tau=theta/(2pi)+4pi i/g_{_{YM}}^2$, and are expressed as two-dimensional lattice sums that are modular forms with holomorphic and anti-holomorphic weights $(w,-w)$ where $w=n-4$. The correlators satisfy Laplace-difference equations that relate the $SU(N+1)$, $SU(N)$ and $SU(N-1)$ expressions and generalise the equations previously found in the $w=0$ case. The correlators can be expressed as infinite sums of Eisenstein modular forms of weight $(w,-w)$. For any fixed value of $N$ the perturbation expansion of this correlator is found to start at order $( g_{_{YM}}^2 N)^w$. The contributions of Yang--Mills instantons of charge $k>0$ are of the form $q^k, f(g_{_{YM}})$, where $q=e^{2pi i tau}$ and $f(g_{_{YM}})= O(g_{_{YM}}^{-2w})$ when $g_{_{YM}}^2 ll 1$ anti-instanton contributions have charge $k<0$ and are of the form $bar q^{|k|} , hat f(g_{_{YM}})$, where $hat f(g_{_{YM}}) = O(g_{_{YM}}^{2w})$ when $g_{_{YM}}^2 ll 1$. Properties of the large-$N$ expansion are in agreement with expectations based on the low energy expansion of flat-space type IIB superstring amplitudes. We also comment on the relation of $n$-point MUV correlators to $(n-4)$-loop contributions to the four-point correlator. In particular, we argue that it is important to ensure the $SL(2, mathbb{Z})$-covariance even in the construction of perturbative loop integrands.
