Gravitational deflection of light by rotating black holes in Horndeski gravity

Abstract in English

With the assumptions of a quartic scalar field, finite energy of the scalar field in a volume, and vanishing radial component of 4-current at infinity, an exact static and spherically symmetric hairy black hole solution exists in the framework of Horndeski theory with parameter $Q$, which encompasses the Schwarzschild black hole ($Q=0$). We obtain the axially symmetric counterpart of this hairy solution, namely the rotating Horndeski black hole, which contains as a special case the Kerr black hole ($Q=0$). Interestingly, for a set of parameters ($M, a$, and $Q$), there exists an extremal value of the parameter $Q=Q_{e}$, which corresponds to an extremal black hole with degenerate horizons, while for $Q<Q_{e}$, it describes a nonextremal black hole with Cauchy and event horizons, and no black hole for $Q>Q_{e}$. We investigate the effect of the $Q$ on the rotating black hole spacetime geometry and analytically deduce corrections to the light deflection angle from the Kerr and nonrotating Horndeski gravity black hole values. For the S2 source star, we calculate the deflection angle for the Sgr A* model of rotating Horndeski gravity black hole for both prograde and retrograde photons and show that it is larger than the Kerr black hole value.
