General primitivity in the mapping class group

Abstract in English

For $ggeq 2$, let $text{Mod}(S_g)$ be the mapping class group of the closed orientable surface $S_g$ of genus $g$. In this paper, we obtain necessary and sufficient conditions under which a given pseudo-periodic mapping can be a root of another up to conjugacy. Using this characterization, the canonical decomposition of (non-periodic) mapping classes, and some known algorithms, we give a theoretical algorithm for computing its roots up to conjugacy. Furthermore, we derive realizable bounds on the degrees of roots of pseudo-periodic mapping classes in $text{Mod}(S_g)$, the Torelli group, the level-$m$ subgroup of $text{Mod}(S_g)$, and the commutator subgroup of $text{Mod}(S_2)$. In particular, we show that the highest possible (realizable) degree of a root of a pseudo-periodic mapping class $F$ is $3q(F)(g+1)(g+2)$, realized by the roots of $T_c^{q(F)}$, where $c$ is a separating curve in $S_g$ of genus $[g/2]$ and $q(F)$ is a unique positive integer associated with the conjugacy class of $F$. Finally, for $ggeq 3$ we show that any pseudo-periodic having a nontrivial periodic component that is not the hyperelliptic involution, normally generates $text{Mod}(S_g)$. Consequently, we establish there always exist roots of bounding pair maps and powers of Dehn twists that normally generate $text{Mod}(S_g)$.
