OpenFed: An Open-Source Security and Privacy Guaranteed Federated Learning Framework

Abstract in English

The broad application of artificial intelligence techniques ranging from self-driving vehicles to advanced medical diagnostics afford many benefits. Federated learning is a new breed of artificial intelligence, offering techniques to help bridge the gap between personal data protection and utilization for research and commercial deployment, especially in the use-cases where security and privacy are the key concerns. Here, we present OpenFed, an open-source software framework to simultaneously address the demands for data protection and utilization. In practice, OpenFed enables state-of-the-art model development in low-trust environments despite limited local data availability, which lays the groundwork for sustainable collaborative model development and commercial deployment by alleviating concerns of asset protection. In addition, OpenFed also provides an end-to-end toolkit to facilitate federated learning algorithm development as well as several benchmarks to fair performance comparison under diverse computing paradigms and configurations.
