Robustness of Safety for Linear Dynamical Systems: Symbolic and Numerical Approaches

Abstract in English

In this paper, we study the robustness of safety properties of a linear dynamical system with respect to model uncertainties. Our paper involves three parts. In the first part, we provide symbolic (analytical) and numerical (representation based) techniques for computing the reachable set of uncertain linear systems. We further prove a relationship between the reachable set of a linear uncertain system and the maximum singular value of the uncertain dynamics matrix. Finally, we propose two heuristics to compute the robustness threshold of the system -- the maximum uncertainty that can be introduced to the system without violating the safety property. We evaluate the reachable set computation techniques, effects of singular values, and estimation of robustness threshold on two case studies from varied domains, illustrating the applicability, practicality and scalability of the artifacts, proposed in this paper, on real-world examples. We further evaluate our artifacts on several linear dynamical system benchmarks. To the best of the authors knowledge, this is the first work to: (i) extend perturbation theory to compute reachable sets of linear uncertain systems, (ii) leverage the relationship between the reachable set of a linear system and the maximum singular values to determine the effect of uncertainties and (3) estimate the threshold of robustness that can be tolerated by the system while remaining safe.
