Magnetic Compton profile in non-magnetic ferroelectrics

Abstract in English

Magnetic Compton scattering is an established tool for probing magnetism in ferromagnetic or ferrimagnetic materials with a net spin polarization. Here we show that, counterintuitively, {it non-magnetic} systems can also have a non-zero magnetic Compton profile, provided that space-inversion symmetry is broken. The magnetic Compton profile is antisymmetric in momentum and, if the inversion symmetry is broken by an electric-field switchable ferroelectric distortion, can be reversed using an electric field. We show that the underlying physics of the magnetic Compton profile and its electrical control are conveniently described in terms of $k$-space magnetoelectric multipoles, which are reciprocal to the real-space charge dipoles associated with the broken inversion symmetry. Using the prototypical ferroelectric lead titanate, PbTiO$_3$, as an example, we show that the ferroelectric polarization introduces a spin asymmetry in momentum space that corresponds to a pure $k$-space magnetoelectric toroidal moment. This in turn manifests in an antisymmetric magnetic Compton profile which can be reversed using an electric field. Our work suggests an experimental route to directly measuring and tuning hidden $k$-space magnetoelectric multipoles via their magnetic Compton profile.
