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Interferometry of black holes with Hawking radiation

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 Added by Yasusada Nambu
 Publication date 2021
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We investigate wave optical imaging of black holes with Hawking radiation. The spatial correlation function of Hawking radiation is expressed in terms of transmission and reflection coefficients for scalar wave modes and evaluated by taking summation over angular qunatum numbers numerically for the Unruh-Hawking state of the Kerr-de Sitter black hole. Then wave optical images of evaporating black hole are obtained by Fourier transformation of the spatial correlation function. For short wavelength, the image of the black hole with the outgoing mode of the Unruh-Hawking state looks like a star with its surface is given by the photon sphere. It is found that interference between incoming modes from the cosmological horizon and reflected modes due to scattering of the black hole can enhance brightness of images in the vicinity of the photon sphere. For long wavelenth, whole field of view becomes bright and emission region of Hawking radiation cannot be identifed.

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The theory of Hawking radiation can be tested in laboratory analogues of black holes. We use light pulses in nonlinear fiber optics to establish artificial event horizons. Each pulse generates a moving perturbation of the refractive index via the Kerr effect. Probe light perceives this as an event horizon when its group velocity, slowed down by the perturbation, matches the speed of the pulse. We have observed in our experiment that the probe stimulates Hawking radiation, which occurs in a regime of extreme nonlinear fiber optics where positive and negative frequencies mix.
In 1974 Steven Hawking showed that black holes emit thermal radiation, which eventually causes them to evaporate. The problem of the fate of information in this process is known as the black hole information paradox. It inspired a plethora of theoretical models which, for the most part, assume either a fundamental loss of information or some form of quantum gravity. At variance to the main trends, a conservative approach assuming information retrieval in quantum correlation between Hawking particles was proposed and recently developed within qubit toy-models. Here we leverage modern quantum information to incarnate this idea in a realistic model of quantised radiation. To this end we employ the formalism of quantum Gaussian states together with the continuous-variables version of the quantum marginal problem. Using a rigorous solution to the latter we show that the thermality of all Hawking particles is consistent with a global pure state of the radiation. Surprisingly, we find out that the radiation of an astrophysical black hole can be thermal until the very last particle. In contrast, the thermality of Hawking radiation originating from a microscopic black hole -- which is expected to evaporate through several quanta -- is not excluded, though there are constraints on modes frequencies. Our result support the conservative resolution to the black hole information paradox. Furthermore, it suggests a systematic programme for probing the global state of Hawking radiation.
180 - P. D. Nation , M. P. Blencowe , 2010
We propose that the Hawking radiation energy and entropy flow rates from a black hole can be viewed as a one-dimensional (1D), non-equilibrium Landauer transport process. Support for this viewpoint comes from previous calculations invoking conformal symmetry in the near-horizon region, which give radiation rates that are identical to those of a single 1D quantum channel connected to a thermal reservoir at the Hawking temperature. The Landauer approach shows in a direct way the particle statistics independence of the energy and entropy fluxes of a black hole radiating into vacuum, as well as one near thermal equilibrium with its environment. As an application of the Landauer approach, we show that Hawking radiation gives a net entropy production that is 50% larger than that obtained assuming standard three-dimensional emission into vacuum.
263 - Huiquan Li , Jiancheng Wang 2020
We discuss the merger process of binary black holes with Hawking radiation taken into account. Besides the redshifted radiation to infinity, binary black holes can exchange radiation between themselves, which is first redshifted and then blueshifted when it propagates from one hole to the other. The exchange rate should be large when the temperature-divergent horizons are penetrating each other to form a single horizon with unique temperature. This will cause non-negligible mass and angular momentum transfer between the black holes during the merging process of the horizons. We further argue in the large mass ratio limit that the light hole whose local evaporation is enhanced by the competing redshift-blueshift effects will probably evaporate or decay completely before reaching the the horizon of the heavy one. We also discuss the possibility of testing Hawking radiation and even exploring the information loss puzzle in gravitational wave observations.
307 - S. Giovanazzi 2004
I present a microscopic description of Hawking radiation in sonic black holes. A one-dimensional Fermi-degenerate liquid squeezed by a smooth barrier forms a transonic flow, a sonic analogue of a black hole. The quantum treatment of the non-interacting case establishes a close relationship between the Hawking radiation and quantum tunnelling through the barrier. Quasi-particle excitations appear at the barrier and are then radiated with a thermal distribution in exact agreement with Hawkings formula. The signature of the radiation can be found in the dynamic structure factor, which can be measured in a scattering experiment. The possibility for experimental verification of this new transport phenomenon for ultra-cold atoms is discussed.
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