A note on Banach spaces $E$ admitting a continuous map from $C_p(X)$ onto $E_{w}$

Abstract in English

$C_p(X)$ denotes the space of continuous real-valued functions on a Tychonoff space $X$ endowed with the topology of pointwise convergence. A Banach space $E$ equipped with the weak topology is denoted by $E_{w}$. It is unknown whether $C_p(K)$ and $C(L)_{w}$ can be homeomorphic for infinite compact spaces $K$ and $L$ cite{Krupski-1}, cite{Krupski-2}. In this paper we deal with a more general question: what are the Banach spaces $E$ which admit certain continuous surjective mappings $T: C_p(X) to E_{w}$ for an infinite Tychonoff space $X$? First, we prove that if $T$ is linear and sequentially continuous, then the Banach space $E$ must be finite-dimensional, thereby resolving an open problem posed in cite{Kakol-Leiderman}. Second, we show that if there exists a homeomorphism $T: C_p(X) to E_{w}$ for some infinite Tychonoff space $X$ and a Banach space $E$, then (a) $X$ is a countable union of compact sets $X_n, n in omega$, where at least one component $X_n$ is non-scattered; (b) $E$ necessarily contains an isomorphic copy of the Banach space $ell_{1}$.
