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Partition models, Permutations of infinite sets without fixed points, Variants of CAC, and weak forms of AC

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 Added by Amitayu Banerjee
 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English

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We study new relations of the following statements with weak choice principles in ZF and ZFA. 1. For every infinite set X, there exists a permutation of X without fixed points. 2. There is no Hausdorff space X such that every infinite subset of X contains an infinite compact subset. 3. If a field has an algebraic closure then it is unique up to isomorphism. 4. Variants of Chain/Antichain principle. 5. Any infinite locally finite connected graph has a spanning subgraph omitting some complete bipartite graphs. 6. Any infinite locally finite connected graph has a spanning m bush for any even integer m greater than 4. We also study the new status of different weak choice principles in the finite partition model (a type of permutation model) introduced by Bruce in 2016. Further, we prove that Van Douwens Choice Principle holds in two recently constructed known permutation models.

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100 - Amitayu Banerjee 2020
In set theory without the Axiom of Choice (AC), we observe new relations of the following statements with weak choice principles. 1. Every locally finite connected graph has a maximal independent set. 2. Every locally countable connected graph has a maximal independent set. 3. If in a partially ordered set all antichains are finite and all chains have size $aleph_{alpha}$, then the set has size $aleph_{alpha}$ if $aleph_{alpha}$ is regular. 4. Every partially ordered set has a cofinal well-founded subset. 5. If $G=(V_{G},E_{G})$ is a connected locally finite chordal graph, then there is an ordering $<$ of $V_{G}$ such that ${w < v : {w,v} in E_{G}}$ is a clique for each $vin V_{G}$.
Let $mathcal{B}$ be the set of rooted trees containing an infinite binary subtree starting at the root. This set satisfies the metaproperty that a tree belongs to it if and only if its root has children $u$ and $v$ such that the subtrees rooted at $u$ and $v$ belong to it. Let $p$ be the probability that a Galton-Watson tree falls in $mathcal{B}$. The metaproperty makes $p$ satisfy a fixed-point equation, which can have multiple solutions. One of these solutions is $p$, but what is the meaning of the others? In particular, are they probabilities of the Galton-Watson tree falling into other sets satisfying the same metaproperty? We create a framework for posing questions of this sort, and we classify solutions to fixed-point equations according to whether they admit probabilistic interpretations. Our proofs use spine decompositions of Galton-Watson trees and the analysis of Boolean functions.
A traversal of a connected graph is a linear ordering of its vertices all of whose initial segments induce connected subgraphs. Traversals, and their refinements such as breadth-first and depth-first traversals, are computed by various graph searching algorithms. We extend the theory of generic search and breadth-first search from finite graphs to wellordered infinite graphs, recovering the notion of search trees in this context. We also prove tight upper bounds on the extent to which graph search and breadth-first search can modify the order type of the original graph, as well as characterize the traversals computed by these algorithms as lexicographically minimal.
We identify a class of semi-modular forms invariant on special subgroups of $GL_2(mathbb Z)$, which includes classical modular forms together with complementary classes of functions that are also nice in a specific sense. We define an Eisenstein-like series summed over integer partitions, and use it to construct families of semi-modular forms.
N. Hindman, I. Leader and D. Strauss proved that it is consistent that there is a finite colouring of $mathbb R$ so that no infinite sumset $X+X={x+y:x,yin X}$ is monochromatic. Our aim in this paper is to prove a consistency result in the opposite direction: we show that, under certain set-theoretic assumptions, for any $c:mathbb Rto r$ with $r$ finite there is an infinite $Xsubseteq mathbb R$ so that $c$ is constant on $X+X$.
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