Global Existence for the two-dimensional Cahn-Hilliard equation with a Shear Flow

Abstract in English

In this paper, we consider the advective Cahn-Hilliard equation in 2D with shear flow: $$ begin{cases} u_t+v_1(y) partial_x u+gamma Delta^2 u=gamma Delta(u^3-u) quad & quad textrm{on} quad mathbb T^2; u textrm{periodic} quad & quad textrm{on} quad partial mathbb T^2, end{cases} $$ where $mathbb T^2$ is the two-dimensional torus. Under the assumption that the shear has a finite number of critical points and there are linearly growing modes only in the direction of the shear, we show the global existence of solutions with arbitrary initial $H^2$ data. The main difficulty of this paper is to handle the high-regularity and non-linearity underlying the term $Delta(u^3)$ in a proper way. For such a purpose, we modify the methods by Iyer, Xu, and Zlatov{s} in 2021 under a shear flow setting.
