Left-right splitting of elliptic flow due to directed flow in heavy ion collisions

Abstract in English

Recently the splitting of elliptic flow $v_2$ at finite rapidities has been proposed as a result of the global vorticity in non-central relativistic heavy ion collisions. Using a multi-phase transport model that automatically includes the vorticity field and flow fluctuations, we confirm the left-right (i.e., on opposite sides of the impact parameter axis) splitting of the elliptic flow at finite rapidities. However, we find that this $v_2$ splitting is a result of the non-zero directed flow $v_1$ at finite rapidities, with the splitting magnitude $approx 8v_1/3pi$. As a result, the $v_2$ splitting vanishes at zero transverse momentum ($p_{rm T}$), and its magnitude and sign may have non-trivial dependences on $p_{rm T}$, centrality, collision energy, and hadron species. Since the left-right $v_2$ splitting is a combined effect of $v_1$ and $v_2$, it will benefit studies of the three-dimensional structure and dynamics of the dense matter.
