Meta-Material Enhanced Spatial Mode Decomposition

Abstract in English

Acquiring precise information about the mode content of a laser is critical for multiplexed optical communications, optical imaging with active wave-front control, and quantum-limited interferometric measurements. Hologram-based mode decomposition devices allow a fast, direct measurement of the mode content, but they have limited precision due to cross-coupling between modes. Here we report the first proof-of-principle demonstration of mode decomposition with a meta-surface, resulting in significantly enhanced precision. A mode-weight fluctuation of 0.6ppm (-62 dB) can be measured with 1 second of averaging at a Fourier frequency of 80 Hz, an improvement on the state-of-the-art by more than three orders of magnitude. The improvement is attributable to the reduction in cross-coupling enabled by the exceptional phase accuracy of the meta-surface. We show a systematic study of the limiting sources of noise, and we show that there is a promising path towards complete mode decomposition with similar precision.
