Prediction and Prevention of Pandemics via Graphical Model Inference and Convex Programming

Abstract in English

Hard-to-predict bursts of COVID-19 pandemic revealed significance of statistical modeling which would resolve spatio-temporal correlations over geographical areas, for example spread of the infection over a city with census tract granularity. In this manuscript, we provide algorithmic answers to the following two inter-related public health challenges. (1) Inference Challenge: assuming that there are $N$ census blocks (nodes) in the city, and given an initial infection at any set of nodes, what is the probability for a subset of census blocks to become infected by the time the spread of the infection burst is stabilized? (2) Prevention Challenge: What is the minimal control action one can take to minimize the infected part of the stabilized state footprint? To answer the challenges, we build a Graphical Model of pandemic of the attractive Ising (pair-wise, binary) type, where each node represents a census track and each edge factor represents the strength of the pairwise interaction between a pair of nodes. We show that almost all attractive Ising Models on dense graphs result in either of the two modes for the most probable state: either all nodes which were not infected initially became infected, or all the initially uninfected nodes remain uninfected. This bi-modal solution of the Inference Challenge allows us to re-state the Prevention Challenge as the following tractable convex programming: for the bare Ising Model with pair-wise and bias factors representing the system without prevention measures, such that the MAP state is fully infected for at least one of the initial infection patterns, find the closest, in $l_1$ norm, set of factors resulting in all the MAP states of the Ising model, with the optimal prevention measures applied, to become safe.
