Variational Latent-State GPT for Semi-supervised Task-Oriented Dialog Systems

Abstract in English

Recently, two approaches, fine-tuning large pre-trained language models and variational training, have attracted significant interests, separately, for semi-supervised end-to-end task-oriented dialog (TOD) systems. In this paper, we propose Variational Latent-State GPT model (VLS-GPT), which is the first to combine the strengths of the two approaches. Among many options of models, we propose the generative model and the inference model for variational learning of the end-to-end TOD system, both as auto-regressive language models based on GPT-2, which can be further trained over a mix of labeled and unlabeled dialog data in a semi-supervised manner. We develop the strategy of sampling-then-forward-computation, which successfully overcomes the memory explosion issue of using GPT in variational learning and speeds up training. Semi-supervised TOD experiments are conducted on two benchmark multi-domain datasets of different languages - MultiWOZ2.1 and CrossWOZ. VLS-GPT is shown to significantly outperform both supervised-only and semi-supervised baselines.
