Diffusions and anomalous diffusions of charged particles in the plateau regime of toroidal plasma

Abstract in English

The diffusions and anomalous diffusions of charged particles in the plateau regime of toroidal plasma with a Maxwellian velocity distribution are studied. The transport theory of plasma is discussed under the toroidal coordinate system and the magnetic field is assumed to be axisymmetric. Based on the diffusion flux obtained in the toroidal plasma, we derive the diffusion coefficient tensor and thermal diffusion coefficient tensor, where two angular diffusion coefficients are the anomalous diffusions, depending on the radial position and having nothing to do with the magnetic field. All the radial transport coefficients and the normal angular coefficients are inversely proportional to square of the gyrofrequency and so to square of the magnetic induction. The numerical analyses show clearly dependences of these complex transport coefficients on the temperature, the magnetic fluid stability safe factor and the effective collision frequency, respectively.
