Characterization of flexible electricity in power and energy markets

Abstract in English

The authors provide a comprehensive overview of flexibility characterization along the dimensions of time, spatiality, resource, and risk in power systems. These dimensions are discussed in relation to flexibility assets, products, and services, as well as new and existing flexibility market designs. The authors argue that flexibility should be evaluated based on the dimensions under discussion. Flexibility products and services can increase the efficiency of power systems and markets if flexibility assets and related services are taken into consideration and used along the time, geography, technology, and risk dimensions. Although it is possible to evaluate flexibility in existing market designs, a local flexibility market may be needed to exploit the value of the flexibility, depending on the dimensions of the flexibility products and services. To locate flexibility in power grids and prevent incorrect valuations, the authors also discuss TSO-DSO coordination along the four dimensions, and they present interrelations between flexibility dimensions, products, services, and related market designs for productive usage of flexible electricity.
