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Voice assistants, such as smart speakers, have exploded in popularity. It is currently estimated that the smart speaker adoption rate has exceeded 35% in the US adult population. Manufacturers have integrated speaker identification technology, which attempts to determine the identity of the person speaking, to provide personalized services to different members of the same family. Speaker identification can also play an important role in controlling how the smart speaker is used. For example, it is not critical to correctly identify the user when playing music. However, when reading the users email out loud, it is critical to correctly verify the speaker that making the request is the authorized user. Speaker verification systems, which authenticate the speaker identity, are therefore needed as a gatekeeper to protect against various spoofing attacks that aim to impersonate the enrolled user. This paper compares popular learnable front-ends which learn the representations of audio by joint training with downstream tasks (End-to-End). We categorize the front-ends by defining two generic architectures and then analyze the filtering stages of both types in terms of learning constraints. We propose replacing fixed filterbanks with a learnable layer that can better adapt to anti-spoofing tasks. The proposed FastAudio front-end is then tested with two popular back-ends to measure the performance on the LA track of the ASVspoof 2019 dataset. The FastAudio front-end achieves a relative improvement of 27% when compared with fixed front-ends, outperforming all other learnable front-ends on this task.
Convolutional Neural Networks have been extensively explored in the task of automatic music tagging. The problem can be approached by using either engineered time-frequency features or raw audio as input. Modulation filter bank representations that have been actively researched as a basis for timbre perception have the potential to facilitate the extraction of perceptually salient features. We explore end-to-end learned front-ends for audio representation learning, ModNet and SincModNet, that incorporate a temporal modulation processing block. The structure is effectively analogous to a modulation filter bank, where the FIR filter center frequencies are learned in a data-driven manner. The expectation is that a perceptually motivated filter bank can provide a useful representation for identifying music features. Our experimental results provide a fully visualisable and interpretable front-end temporal modulation decomposition of raw audio. We evaluate the performance of our model against the state-of-the-art of music tagging on the MagnaTagATune dataset. We analyse the impact on performance for particular tags when time-frequency bands are subsampled by the modulation filters at a progressively reduced rate. We demonstrate that modulation filtering provides promising results for music tagging and feature representation, without using extensive musical domain knowledge in the design of this front-end.
In this work, we investigated the teacher-student training paradigm to train a fully learnable multi-channel acoustic model for far-field automatic speech recognition (ASR). Using a large offline teacher model trained on beamformed audio, we trained a simpler multi-channel student acoustic model used in the speech recognition system. For the student, both multi-channel feature extraction layers and the higher classification layers were jointly trained using the logits from the teacher model. In our experiments, compared to a baseline model trained on about 600 hours of transcribed data, a relative word-error rate (WER) reduction of about 27.3% was achieved when using an additional 1800 hours of untranscribed data. We also investigated the benefit of pre-training the multi-channel front end to output the beamformed log-mel filter bank energies (LFBE) using L2 loss. We find that pre-training improves the word error rate by 10.7% when compared to a multi-channel model directly initialized with a beamformer and mel-filter bank coefficients for the front end. Finally, combining pre-training and teacher-student training produces a WER reduction of 31% compared to our baseline.
Automatic speaker verification, like every other biometric system, is vulnerable to spoofing attacks. Using only a few minutes of recorded voice of a genuine client of a speaker verification system, attackers can develop a variety of spoofing attacks that might trick such systems. Detecting these attacks using the audio cues present in the recordings is an important challenge. Most existing spoofing detection systems depend on knowing the used spoofing technique. With this research, we aim at overcoming this limitation, by examining robust audio features, both traditional and those learned through an autoencoder, that are generalizable over different types of replay spoofing. Furthermore, we provide a detailed account of all the steps necessary in setting up state-of-the-art audio feature detection, pre-, and postprocessing, such that the (non-audio expert) machine learning researcher can implement such systems. Finally, we evaluate the performance of our robust replay speaker detection system with a wide variety and different combinations of both extracted and machine learned audio features on the `out in the wild ASVspoof 2017 dataset. This dataset contains a variety of new spoofing configurations. Since our focus is on examining which features will ensure robustness, we base our system on a traditional Gaussian Mixture Model-Universal Background Model. We then systematically investigate the relative contribution of each feature set. The fused models, based on both the known audio features and the machine learned features respectively, have a comparable performance with an Equal Error Rate (EER) of 12. The final best performing model, which obtains an EER of 10.8, is a hybrid model that contains both known and machine learned features, thus revealing the importance of incorporating both types of features when developing a robust spoofing prediction model.
We present an end-to-end method for transforming audio from one style to another. For the case of speech, by conditioning on speaker identities, we can train a single model to transform words spoken by multiple people into multiple target voices. For the case of music, we can specify musical instruments and achieve the same result. Architecturally, our method is a fully-differentiable sequence-to-sequence model based on convolutional and hierarchical recurrent neural networks. It is designed to capture long-term acoustic dependencies, requires minimal post-processing, and produces realistic audio transforms. Ablation studies confirm that our model can separate speaker and instrument properties from acoustic content at different receptive fields. Empirically, our method achieves competitive performance on community-standard datasets.
In this paper we propose a novel defense approach against end-to-end adversarial attacks developed to fool advanced speech-to-text systems such as DeepSpeech and Lingvo. Unlike conventional defense approaches, the proposed approach does not directly employ low-level transformations such as autoencoding a given input signal aiming at removing potential adversarial perturbation. Instead of that, we find an optimal input vector for a class conditional generative adversarial network through minimizing the relative chordal distance adjustment between a given test input and the generator network. Then, we reconstruct the 1D signal from the synthesized spectrogram and the original phase information derived from the given input signal. Hence, this reconstruction does not add any extra noise to the signal and according to our experimental results, our defense-GAN considerably outperforms conventional defense algorithms both in terms of word error rate and sentence level recognition accuracy.