Non-Fermi liquid phase and linear-in-temperature scattering rate in overdoped two dimensional Hubbard model

Abstract in English

Understanding electronic properties that violate the Landau Fermi liquid paradigm in cuprate superconductors remains a major challenge in condensed matter physics. The strange metal state in overdoped cuprates that exhibits linear-in-temperature scattering rate and dc resistivity is a particularly puzzling example. Here, we compute the electronic scattering rate in the two-dimensional Hubbard model using cluster generalization of dynamical mean-field theory. We present a global phase diagram documenting an apparent non-Fermi liquid phase, in between the pseudogap and Fermi liquid phase in the doped Mott insulator regime. We discover that in this non-Fermi liquid phase, the electronic scattering rate $gamma_k(T)$ can display linear temperature dependence as temperature $T$ goes to zero. In the temperature range that we can access, the $T-$ dependent scattering rate is isotropic on the Fermi surface, in agreement with recent experiments. Using fluctuation diagnostic techniques, we identify antiferromagnetic fluctuations as the physical origin of the $T-$ linear electronic scattering rate.
