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Voxel Transformer for 3D Object Detection

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 Added by Jiageng Mao
 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English

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We present Voxel Transformer (VoTr), a novel and effective voxel-based Transformer backbone for 3D object detection from point clouds. Conventional 3D convolutional backbones in voxel-based 3D detectors cannot efficiently capture large context information, which is crucial for object recognition and localization, owing to the limited receptive fields. In this paper, we resolve the problem by introducing a Transformer-based architecture that enables long-range relationships between voxels by self-attention. Given the fact that non-empty voxels are naturally sparse but numerous, directly applying standard Transformer on voxels is non-trivial. To this end, we propose the sparse voxel module and the submanifold voxel module, which can operate on the empty and non-empty voxel positions effectively. To further enlarge the attention range while maintaining comparable computational overhead to the convolutional counterparts, we propose two attention mechanisms for multi-head attention in those two modules: Local Attention and Dilated Attention, and we further propose Fast Voxel Query to accelerate the querying process in multi-head attention. VoTr contains a series of sparse and submanifold voxel modules and can be applied in most voxel-based detectors. Our proposed VoTr shows consistent improvement over the convolutional baselines while maintaining computational efficiency on the KITTI dataset and the Waymo Open dataset.

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Recent advances on 3D object detection heavily rely on how the 3D data are represented, emph{i.e.}, voxel-based or point-based representation. Many existing high performance 3D detectors are point-based because this structure can better retain precise point positions. Nevertheless, point-level features lead to high computation overheads due to unordered storage. In contrast, the voxel-based structure is better suited for feature extraction but often yields lower accuracy because the input data are divided into grids. In this paper, we take a slightly different viewpoint -- we find that precise positioning of raw points is not essential for high performance 3D object detection and that the coarse voxel granularity can also offer sufficient detection accuracy. Bearing this view in mind, we devise a simple but effective voxel-based framework, named Voxel R-CNN. By taking full advantage of voxel features in a two stage approach, our method achieves comparable detection accuracy with state-of-the-art point-based models, but at a fraction of the computation cost. Voxel R-CNN consists of a 3D backbone network, a 2D bird-eye-view (BEV) Region Proposal Network and a detect head. A voxel RoI pooling is devised to extract RoI features directly from voxel features for further refinement. Extensive experiments are conducted on the widely used KITTI Dataset and the more recent Waymo Open Dataset. Our results show that compared to existing voxel-based methods, Voxel R-CNN delivers a higher detection accuracy while maintaining a real-time frame processing rate, emph{i.e}., at a speed of 25 FPS on an NVIDIA RTX 2080 Ti GPU. The code is available at url{}.
96 - Jiale Li , Hang Dai , Ling Shao 2021
In this paper, we present an Intersection-over-Union (IoU) guided two-stage 3D object detector with a voxel-to-point decoder. To preserve the necessary information from all raw points and maintain the high box recall in voxel based Region Proposal Network (RPN), we propose a residual voxel-to-point decoder to extract the point features in addition to the map-view features from the voxel based RPN. We use a 3D Region of Interest (RoI) alignment to crop and align the features with the proposal boxes for accurately perceiving the object position. The RoI-Aligned features are finally aggregated with the corner geometry embeddings that can provide the potentially missing corner information in the box refinement stage. We propose a simple and efficient method to align the estimated IoUs to the refined proposal boxes as a more relevant localization confidence. The comprehensive experiments on KITTI and Waymo Open Dataset demonstrate that our method achieves significant improvements with novel architectures against the existing methods. The code is available on Github URLfootnote{url{}}.
Though 3D object detection from point clouds has achieved rapid progress in recent years, the lack of flexible and high-performance proposal refinement remains a great hurdle for existing state-of-the-art two-stage detectors. Previous works on refining 3D proposals have relied on human-designed components such as keypoints sampling, set abstraction and multi-scale feature fusion to produce powerful 3D object representations. Such methods, however, have limited ability to capture rich contextual dependencies among points. In this paper, we leverage the high-quality region proposal network and a Channel-wise Transformer architecture to constitute our two-stage 3D object detection framework (CT3D) with minimal hand-crafted design. The proposed CT3D simultaneously performs proposal-aware embedding and channel-wise context aggregation for the point features within each proposal. Specifically, CT3D uses proposals keypoints for spatial contextual modelling and learns attention propagation in the encoding module, mapping the proposal to point embeddings. Next, a new channel-wise decoding module enriches the query-key interaction via channel-wise re-weighting to effectively merge multi-level contexts, which contributes to more accurate object predictions. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our CT3D method has superior performance and excellent scalability. Remarkably, CT3D achieves the AP of 81.77% in the moderate car category on the KITTI test 3D detection benchmark, outperforms state-of-the-art 3D detectors.
We propose 3DETR, an end-to-end Transformer based object detection model for 3D point clouds. Compared to existing detection methods that employ a number of 3D-specific inductive biases, 3DETR requires minimal modifications to the vanilla Transformer block. Specifically, we find that a standard Transformer with non-parametric queries and Fourier positional embeddings is competitive with specialized architectures that employ libraries of 3D-specific operators with hand-tuned hyperparameters. Nevertheless, 3DETR is conceptually simple and easy to implement, enabling further improvements by incorporating 3D domain knowledge. Through extensive experiments, we show 3DETR outperforms the well-established and highly optimized VoteNet baselines on the challenging ScanNetV2 dataset by 9.5%. Furthermore, we show 3DETR is applicable to 3D tasks beyond detection, and can serve as a building block for future research.
A unified neural network structure is presented for joint 3D object detection and point cloud segmentation in this paper. We leverage rich supervision from both detection and segmentation labels rather than using just one of them. In addition, an extension based on single-stage object detectors is proposed based on the implicit function widely used in 3D scene and object understanding. The extension branch takes the final feature map from the object detection module as input, and produces an implicit function that generates semantic distribution for each point for its corresponding voxel center. We demonstrated the performance of our structure on nuScenes-lidarseg, a large-scale outdoor dataset. Our solution achieves competitive results against state-of-the-art methods in both 3D object detection and point cloud segmentation with little additional computation load compared with object detection solutions. The capability of efficient weakly supervision semantic segmentation of the proposed method is also validated by experiments.
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