Dephasing of Exchange-coupled Spins in Quantum Dots for Quantum Computing

Abstract in English

A spin qubit in semiconductor quantum dots holds promise for quantum information processing for scalability and long coherence time. An important semiconductor qubit system is a double quantum dot trapping two electrons or holes, whose spin states encode either a singlet-triplet qubit or two single-spin qubits coupled by exchange interaction. In this article, we report progress on spin dephasing of two exchange-coupled spins in a double quantum dot. We first discuss the schemes of two-qubit gates and qubit encodings in gate-defined quantum dots or donor atoms based on the exchange interaction. Then, we report the progress on spin dephasing of a singlet-triplet qubit or a two-qubit gate. The methods of suppressing spin dephasing are further discussed. The understanding of spin dephasing may provide insights into the realization of high-fidelity quantum gates for spin-based quantum computing.
