Topological theory of inversion-breaking charge-density-wave monolayer 1textit{T}-TiSe$_2$

Abstract in English

A charge density wave (CDW) of a nonzero ordering vector $mathbf{q}$ couple electronic states at $mathbf{k}$ and $mathbf{k}+mathbf{q}$ statically, giving rise to a reduced Brillouin zone (RBZ) due to the band folding effect. Its structure, in terms of an irreducible representation of the little group of $mathbf{q}$, would change the symmetry of the system and electronic structure accompanying possible change of band inversion, offering a chance of the topological phase transition. Monolayer 1textit{T}-TiSe$_2$ is investigated for it shows an unconventional CDW phase having a triple-$q$ $M_1^-$ structure. Moreover, the coupling between the triple-$q$ component of the $M_1^-$ CDW will inevitably produce a small $M_1^+$ CDW. The CDW yields a band inversion in 1textit{T}-TiSe$_2$ but different types of CDW can affect the electronic structure and system topology differently. The impact of CDW of different types was studied by utilizing a symmetrization-antisymmetrization technique to extract the $M_1^-$ and $M_1^+$ CDW contributions in the DFT-based tight-binding model and study their effects. The results are consistent with the parity consideration, improving understanding of topology for a CDW system with and without parity.
