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We deploy a combination of reinforcement learning-based approaches and more traditional optimization techniques to identify optimal protocols for population transfer in a multi-level system. We constraint our strategy to the case of fixed coupling rates but time-varying detunings, a situation that would simplify considerably the implementation of population transfer in relevant experimental platforms, such as semiconducting and superconducting ones. Our approach is able to explore the space of possible control protocols to reveal the existence of efficient protocols that, remarkably, differ from (and can be superior to) standard Raman, STIRAP or other adiabatic schemes. The new protocols that we identify are robust against both energy losses and dephasing.
Manipulate and control of the complex quantum system with high precision are essential for achieving universal fault tolerant quantum computing. For a physical system with restricted control resources, it is a challenge to control the dynamics of the target system efficiently and precisely under disturbances. Here we propose a multi-level dissipative quantum control framework and show that deep reinforcement learning provides an efficient way to identify the optimal strategies with restricted control parameters of the complex quantum system. This framework can be generalized to be applied to other quantum control models. Compared with the traditional optimal control method, this deep reinforcement learning algorithm can realize efficient and precise control for multi-level quantum systems with different types of disturbances.
In this paper, we investigate the quantum transfer for the system with three-level $Lambda$-type structure, and construct a shortcut to the adiabatic passage via picture transformation to speed up the evolution. We can design the pulses directly without any additional couplings. Moreover, by choosing suitable control parameters, the Rabi frequencies of pulses can be expressed by the linear superpositions of Gaussian functions, which could be easily realized in experiments. Compared with the previous works using the stimulated Raman adiabatic passage, the quantum transfer can be significantly accelerated with the present scheme.
We develop a theoretical framework for the exploration of quantum mechanical coherent population transfer phenomena, with the ultimate goal of constructing faithful models of devices for classical and quantum information processing applications. We begin by outlining a general formalism for weak-field quantum optics in the Schr{o}dinger picture, and we include a general phenomenological representation of Lindblad decoherence mechanisms. We use this formalism to describe the interaction of a single stationary multilevel atom with one or more propagating classical or quantum laser fields, and we describe in detail several manifestations and applications of electromagnetically induced transparency. In addition to providing a clear description of the nonlinear optical characteristics of electromagnetically transparent systems that lead to ``ultraslow light, we verify that -- in principle -- a multi-particle atomic or molecular system could be used as either a low power optical switch or a quantum phase shifter. However, we demonstrate that the presence of significant dephasing effects destroys the induced transparency, and that increasing the number of particles weakly interacting with the probe field only reduces the nonlinearity further. Finally, a detailed calculation of the relative quantum phase induced by a system of atoms on a superposition of spatially distinct Fock states predicts that a significant quasi-Kerr nonlinearity and a low entropy cannot be simultaneously achieved in the presence of arbitrary spontaneous emission rates. Within our model, we identify the constraints that need to be met for this system to act as a one-qubit and a two-qubit conditional phase gate.
We consider the dynamics of a single electron in a chain of tunnel coupled quantum dots, exploring the formal analogies of this system with some of the laser-driven multilevel atomic or molecular systems studied by Bruce W. Shore and collaborators over the last 30 years. In particular, we describe two regimes for achieving complete coherent transfer of population in such a multistate system. In the first regime, by carefully arranging the coupling strengths, the flow of population between the states of the system can be made periodic in time. In the second regime, by employing a counterintuitive sequence of couplings, the coherent population trapping eigenstate of the system can be rotated from the initial to the final desired state, which is an equivalent of the STIRAP technique for atoms or molecules. Our results may be useful in future quantum computation schemes.
Light-matter interaction, and the understanding of the fundamental physics behind, is the scenario of emerging quantum technologies. Solid state devices allow the exploration of new regimes where ultrastrong coupling (USC) strengths are comparable to subsystem energies, and new exotic phenomena like quantum phase transitions and ground-state entanglement occur. While experiments so far provided only spectroscopic evidence of USC, we propose a new dynamical protocol for detecting virtual photon pairs in the dressed eigenstates. This is the fingerprint of the violated conservation of the number of excitations, which heralds the symmetry broken by USC. We show that in flux-based superconducting architectures this photon production channel can be coherenly amplified by Stimulated Raman Adiabatic Passage (STIRAP). This provides a unique tool for an unambiguous dynamical detection of USC in present day hardware. Implementing this protocol would provide a benchmark for control of the dynamics of USC architectures, in view of applications to quantum information and microwave quantum photonics.