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Loss maps along the ThomX transfer line and the ring first turn

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 Publication date 2021
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We report on studies of the loss maps for particles travelling from the end of the ThomXs linac along the transfer line to the end of the ring first turn in preparation of the machine commissioning. ThomX is a 50-MeV-electron accelerator prototype which will use Compton backscattering to generate a high flux of hard X-rays. The accelerator tracking code MadX is used to simulate electrons propagation and compute losses. These maps may be projected at any localisation along the bunch path or plotted along the bunch path. This information is particularly relevant at the locations of the monitoring devices (screens, position monitors,...) where loss predictions will be compared with measurements.

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As part of the R&D for the 50 MeV ThomX Compton source project, we have studied the effect of several beam dynamics processes on the evolution of the beam in the ring. The processes studied include among others Compton scattering, intrabeam scattering, coherent synchrotron radiation. We have performed extensive simulations of a full injection/extraction cycle (400000 turns). We show how each of these processes degrades the flux of photons produced and how a feedback system contributes to recovering most of the flux.
Significant beam loss caused by the charge exchange processes and ions impact induced outgassing play a crucial role in the limitation of the maximum number of accumulated heavy ions during the high intensity operation in the accelerators. With the aim to control beam loss due to charge exchange processes and to confine the generated desorption gas, the tracking of the loss positions and installing the absorber blocks with low-desorption rate material at appropriate locations in the CSRm ring will be taken. The loss simulation of U ions having lost an electron will be presented in this report and the calculation of the collimation efficiency of the CSRm ring will be continued in the future.
In fast ramping synchrotrons like the Fermilab Booster the conventional methods of betatron tune evaluation from the turn-by-turn data may not work due to rapid changes of the tunes (sometimes in a course of a few dozens of turns) and a high level of noise. We propose a technique based on phasing of signals from a large number of BPMs which significantly increases the signal to noise ratio. Implementation of the method in the Fermilab Booster control system is described and some measurement results are presented.
Assuming a tricritical point of the two--flavor QCD in the space of temperature, baryon number chemical potential and quark mass, we study the change of the associated soft mode along the critical line within the Ginzburg--Landau approach and the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model. The ordering density along the chiral critical line is the scalar density whereas a linear combination of the scalar, baryon number and energy densities becomes the proper ordering density along the critical line with finite quark masses. It is shown that the critical eigenmode shifts from the sigma--like fluctuation of the scalar density to a hydrodynamic mode at the tricritical point, where we have two ordering densities, the scalar density and a linear combination of the baryon number and energy densities. We argue that appearance of the critical eigenmode with hydrodynamic character is a logical consequence of divergent susceptibilities of the conserved densities.
180 - P. Bambade 2012
ATF2 is a final-focus test beam line which aims to focus the low emittance beam from the ATF damping ring to a vertical size of about 37 nm and to demonstrate nanometer level beam stability. Several advanced beam diagnostics and feedback tools are used. In December 2008, construction and installation were completed and beam commissioning started, supported by an international team of Asian, European, and U.S. scientists. The present status and first results are described.
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