WebQA: Multihop and Multimodal QA

Abstract in English

Web search is fundamentally multimodal and multihop. Often, even before asking a question we choose to go directly to image search to find our answers. Further, rarely do we find an answer from a single source but aggregate information and reason through implications. Despite the frequency of this everyday occurrence, at present, there is no unified question answering benchmark that requires a single model to answer long-form natural language questions from text and open-ended visual sources -- akin to a humans experience. We propose to bridge this gap between the natural language and computer vision communities with WebQA. We show that A. our multihop text queries are difficult for a large-scale transformer model, and B. existing multi-modal transformers and visual representations do not perform well on open-domain visual queries. Our challenge for the community is to create a unified multimodal reasoning model that seamlessly transitions and reasons regardless of the source modality.
