Constraining the Cosmic Baryon Distribution with Fast Radio Burst Foreground Mapping

Abstract in English

The dispersion measure (DM) of fast radio bursts (FRBs) encode the integrated electron density along the line-of-sight, which is dominated by the intergalactic medium (IGM) contribution in the case of extragalactic FRBs. In this paper, we show that incorporating wide-field spectroscopic galaxy survey data in the foreground of localized FRBs can significantly improve constraints on the partition of diffuse cosmic baryons. Using mock DMs and realistic lightcone galaxy catalogs derived from the Millennium simulation, we define spectroscopic surveys that can be carried out with 4m and 8m-class wide field spectroscopic facilities. On these simulated surveys, we carry out Bayesian density reconstructions in order to estimate the foreground matter density field. In comparison with the `true matter density field, we show that these can help reduce the uncertainties in the foreground structures by $sim 2-3times$ compared to cosmic variance. We calculate the Fisher matrix to forecast that $N=30: (96)$ localized FRBs should be able to constrain the diffuse cosmic baryon fraction to $<10%: (<5%) $, and parameters governing the size and baryon fraction of galaxy circumgalactic halos to within $sim 15-20%: (sim 7-10%)$. From the Fisher analysis, we show that the foreground data increases the sensitivity of localized FRBs toward our parameters of interest by $sim 25times$. We briefly introduce FLIMFLAM, an ongoing galaxy redshift survey that aims to obtain foreground data on $sim 30$ localized FRB fields.
