Anharmonic Lattice Dynamics from Vibrational Dynamical Mean-Field Theory

Abstract in English

We present a vibrational dynamical mean-field theory (VDMFT) of the dynamics of atoms in solids with anharmonic interactions. Like other flavors of DMFT, VDMFT maps the dynamics of a periodic anharmonic lattice of atoms onto those of a self-consistently defined impurity problem with local anharmonicity and coupling to a bath of harmonic oscillators. VDMFT is exact in the harmonic and molecular limits, nonperturbative, systematically improvable through its clusters extensions, and usable with classical or quantum impurity solvers, depending on the importance of nuclear quantum effects. When tested on models of anharmonic optical and acoustic phonons, we find that classical VDMFT gives good agreement with classical molecular dynamics, including the temperature dependence of phonon frequencies and lifetimes. Using a quantum impurity solver, signatures of nuclear quantum effects are observed at low temperatures.
