On the Upward Book Thickness Problem: Combinatorial and Complexity Results

Abstract in English

A long-standing conjecture by Heath, Pemmaraju, and Trenk states that the upward book thickness of outerplanar DAGs is bounded above by a constant. In this paper, we show that the conjecture holds for subfamilies of upward outerplanar graphs, namely those whose underlying graph is an internally-triangulated outerpath or a cactus, and those whose biconnected components are $at$-outerplanar graphs. On the complexity side, it is known that deciding whether a graph has upward book thickness $k$ is NP-hard for any fixed $k ge 3$. We show that the problem, for any $k ge 5$, remains NP-hard for graphs whose domination number is $O(k)$, but it is FPT in the vertex cover number.
