On Soft Bayesian Additive Regression Trees and asynchronous longitudinal regression analysis

Abstract in English

In many longitudinal studies, the covariate and response are often intermittently observed at irregular, mismatched and subject-specific times. How to deal with such data when covariate and response are observed asynchronously is an often raised problem. Bayesian Additive Regression Trees(BART) is a Bayesian non-Parametric approach which has been shown to be competitive with the best modern predictive methods such as random forest and boosted decision trees. The sum of trees structure combined with a Bayesian inferential framework provide a accurate and robust statistic method. BART variant soft Bayesian Additive Regression Trees(SBART) constructed using randomized decision trees was developed and substantial theoretical and practical benefits were shown. In this paper, we propose a weighted SBART model solution for asynchronous longitudinal data. In comparison to other methods, the current methods are valid under with little assumptions on the covariate process. Extensive simulation studies provide numerical support for this solution. And data from an HIV study is used to illustrate our methodology
