Potential density of projective varieties having an int-amplified endomorphism

Abstract in English

We consider the potential density of rational points on an algebraic variety defined over a number field $K$, i.e., the property that the set of rational points of $X$ becomes Zariski dense after a finite field extension of $K$. For a non-uniruled projective variety with an int-amplified endomorphism, we show that it always satisfies potential density. When a rationally connected variety admits an int-amplified endomorphism, we prove that there exists some rational curve with a Zariski dense forward orbit, assuming the Zariski dense orbit conjecture in lower dimensions. As an application, we prove the potential density for projective varieties with int-amplified endomorphisms in dimension $leq 3$. We also study the existence of densely many rational points with the maximal arithmetic degree over a sufficiently large number field.
