Visual-and-Language Navigation: A Survey and Taxonomy

Abstract in English

An agent that can understand natural-language instruction and carry out corresponding actions in the visual world is one of the long-term challenges of Artificial Intelligent (AI). Due to multifarious instructions from humans, it requires the agent can link natural language to vision and action in unstructured, previously unseen environments. If the instruction given by human is a navigation task, this challenge is called Visual-and-Language Navigation (VLN). It is a booming multi-disciplinary field of increasing importance and with extraordinary practicality. Instead of focusing on the details of specific methods, this paper provides a comprehensive survey on VLN tasks and makes a classification carefully according the different characteristics of language instructions in these tasks. According to when the instructions are given, the tasks can be divided into single-turn and multi-turn. For single-turn tasks, we further divided them into goal-orientation and route-orientation based on whether the instructions contain a route. For multi-turn tasks, we divided them into imperative task and interactive task based on whether the agent responses to the instructions. This taxonomy enable researchers to better grasp the key point of a specific task and identify directions for future research.
